Mentoring Provision

Get In Touch About Mentoring

Tailored mentoring provision

Sporting Chance offers a targeted and tailored mentoring provision that enables children to achieve positive outcomes within their school setting. Developing trusting relationships is at the core of our mentoring provision and our skilled mentors will provide a positive role model for the children they work with.

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“I have noticed a positive impact on the child's engagement in values-led behaviour discussions in class and the child references sporting chance mentoring when talking about school values”.

Teacher – Key stage2 

Our mentoring provision is aimed at supporting:

Pupils who struggle in a school setting and may find the classroom or playground environment overwhelming.

  • Pupils that lack confidence and self-belief
  • Pupils who are experiencing difficulties in family and/or home life
  • Pupils who need a boost, something positive that they can look forward to
  • Pupils who struggle socially, managing connections, and maintaining friendships
  • Pupils who struggle to manage their emotions or require coping strategies. 
  • Pupils who simply need someone to talk to who will listen and offer advice.
  • Pupils who are lacking resilience

Our mentoring provision is carefully constructed and bespoke for each child. Sessions typically last for an hour and are fun, engaging, inspiring and outcome driven. We use our own assessment tool to identify an area of need, and the mentor supports the child to set a meaningful aim to work towards based on the outcome of the assessment.

Children really benefit from our innovative and bespoke approach to mentoring. We believe every child is one trusted adult away from being a success. Our mentors strive to be that adult! 

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“Sporting Chance Mentoring has been by far the most positive intervention my son has had to date, the impact is immeasurable, and we are very grateful”.

Parent – Child 8yrs

Get in Touch

If you wish to find out more information regarding costs and availability, please get in touch.

Telephone: 01172 440007 / 07825 155954

Contact Sporting Chance

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