Childcare Voucher Schemes
OFSTED voluntary registration number 2540595 (individual setting references are listed below)
We accept payment by childcare vouchers at the following registered Ofsted settings:
Sporting Chance MPS (Mangotsfield Primary School) 2540595
Sporting Chance KOA (Kings Oak Acorn) 2625174
Sporting Chance SPS (Stanbridge Primary School) 2625043
Sporting Chance LGPS (Lyde Green Primary School) 2703753
Sporting Chance St Ursulas (St Ursulas E-ACT Academy) 2789710
How to make payment using childcare vouchers
- Register via the website as normal, at checkout under Alternative Payment select 'Paying by Childcare Vouchers'.
- All registered scheme details will be dispalyed - find your setting (school)
- Locate your scheme eg Sodexo, the account reference name or number
If you cannot find your scheme then please let us know so that we can register with them. We are currently in process of setting up multiple accounts for various schemes so if you cannot find your setting address then please use one of the others. You can use the following schemes and their codes are listed below.
Mangotsfield Primary
- Care-4 account number: 53581885 /registered account postcode: BS162RP
- Sodexo account number: 902352 /registered account postcode: BS16 2RP
- Computershare account number: 0026481164 / Holiday Sports Camps /registered account postcode: BS16 7EY
- Faircare account number: HSPB0120
- Edenred account number: P21250701
- Kiddivouchers account name: Sporting Chance
- Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme account number: 2540595
- Bathnes account number: 90907972 / account name: Sporting Chance (all sites)
- Fideliti account number: SPO049C (all sites)
- Busybees Benefits account name:Sporting Chance MPS (all sites)
Stanbridge Primary
- Kiddivouchers account name: Sporting Chance SPS
- Busybees Benefits account name: Sporting Chance MPS (all sites)
- Bathnes account number: 90907972 / account name: Sporting Chance (all sites)
- Childcare Grant Payment Service: CCG4886863
- Sodexo account number: 902352 /registered account postcode: BS16 2RP
- Edenred account number: P21250701
- Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme account number: 2540595
- Fideliti account number: SPO049C (all sites)
- Computershare account number: 0026481164 / Holiday Sports Camps /registered account postcode: BS16 7EY
Kings Oak Acorn
- Kiddivouchers account name: Sporting Chance KOA
- Busybees Benefits account name: Sporting Chance MPS (all sites)
- Bathnes account number: 90907972 / account name: Sporting Chance (all sites)
- Sodexo account number: 902352 /registered account postcode: BS16 2RP
- Edenred account number: P21250701
- Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme account number: 2540595
- Fideliti account number: SPO049C (all sites)
- Computershare account number: 0026481164 / Holiday Sports Camps /registered account postcode: BS16 7EY
Lyde Green Primary
- Care-4 account number: 53581885 /registered account postcode: BS162RP
- Sodexo account number: 902352 /registered account postcode: BS16 2RP
- Computershare account number: 0026481164 / Holiday Sports Camps /registered account postcode: BS16 7EY
- Faircare account number: HSPB0120
- Edenred account number: P21250701
- Kiddivouchers account name: Sporting Chance
- Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme account number: 2540595
- Bathnes account number: 90907972 / account name: Sporting Chance (all sites)
- Fideliti account number: SPO049C (all sites)
- Busybees Benefits account name:Sporting Chance MPS (all sites)