Behaviour Policy

Holiday Camps and After School Provision

Policy Aims

We aim to provide a warm, relaxed, stimulating and orderly environment for children to feel comfortable within themselves and their surroundings. In doing so, the diversity of social and cultural backgrounds, the feelings and views of all children, parents and carers, and staff will be valued and respected.


  • To support positive, confident, caring children and adults.

  • To provide guidance and support for children to make positive choices aligned with our RESPECT values.

    • Respect

    • Enjoy

    • Support

    • Play fairly

    • Empathy

    • Commit

    • Team

  • To recognise that behaviour is a form of communication and is telling us something about how a child is feeling or experiencing.

  • To share an understanding that behaviour is not developed through punishment, but by modelling desired behaviours.

  • To ensure bullying, harassment and discrimination are dealt with fairly, effectively and promptly.

  • To deliver fair, consistent and clear guidelines around behaviours and their consequences that staff follow with a common approach, ensuring equal opportunity.

Whilst freedom is important, at Sporting Chance we believe in the importance of setting boundaries that children must understand and follow, for their own safety and for the safety of other children attending, and adults hosting the provision. We aim to do this in a way in which we will help each child develop a sense of the consequences of their behaviour.

We will always aim to praise and reinforce positive behaviour before using sanctions. When it is necessary to use sanctions, any sanctions given take into consideration the child’s age and stage of development.

What we do to promote acceptable behaviour

  1. We make clear expectations. Be READY, Be RESPECTFUL, & Be SAFE

  2. We praise good behaviour privately and publicly

  3. We promote respect for each other and equipment

  4. We set good standards through our own example

  5. We give rewards such as stickers and certificates

Worker’s responsibilities

  1. To treat all children fairly and with respect.

  2. Listen to and value the feelings of all children, staff, and parents.

  3. To help raise the children’s self esteem independence and self value.

  4. To support the children to make the right choices.

  5. To help children become aware of the consequences of their behaviour. To encourage good behaviour

  6. To recognise that each child is an individual and be aware of that child’s needs.

  7. To foster good relations with parents/carers and other site users.

  8. Be aware of factors that contribute to different behavioural patterns.

  9. To have a positive and friendly attitude and be positive role models.

  10. To handle any behavioural issues in accordance with the clubs confidentiality regulations.

Child’s responsibilities

Children should:

  1. Treat staff and other children with respect.

  2. Take responsibility for their own behaviour and actions.

  3. Listen to and follow the instructions of Sporting Chance staff.

  4. Co-operate with other children and adults.

  5. Take care of all equipment and surrounding environment.

  6. Be responsible for their belongings. Sporting Chance cannot be responsible for children leaving their belongings behind.

Examples of unacceptable behaviour

  1. Physical aggression: hitting, kicking, smacking, biting, slapping or any other form of physical harm, damage to equipment or property.

  2. Verbal aggression: swearing or verbal abuse including disrespectful language.

  3. Anti-social or discriminating remarks: name calling, bullying, teasing or any other act of discrimination.

  4. Intimidation or manipulation: child to child, adult to child or child to adult.

  5. Unsafe behaviour towards adults, other children or self, including but not limited to; running away, climbing trees, attempting to open gates, venturing into ‘out of bounds’ areas.

  6. Failing to follow safety guidance / instruction from staff or management.

What we do when a rule is broken

  • Every child should be talked to respectfully.

  • When an incident is between two or more children, each child will be listened to and allowed to express their feelings, and their experience. 

  • All feelings are accepted but some behaviour may not be. This must be made clear to the children.

  • ALL Children will be subject to a 4 stage behaviour process as detailed below. 

4 Stage Process 

  1. Reminder - verbal and recorded

  2. Warning - verbal and recorded

  3. 2nd Warning and time out (3-5 mins) - verbal and recorded

  4. Call home - call to parent / carer to advise child behaviour is not satisfactory and discuss next steps and advise of policy / cancellation policy - this will normally mean the child is collected. 

  • Behaviour incidents are recorded by group leaders to ensure the process is followed accurately at all times and reported accordingly to camp leaders. 

  • In the event that a parent / carer is spoken to / phoned to collect a child (stage 4) the following subsequent guidance will be followed …

    • Holiday Camps - depending upon the severity of the behaviour, children will be invited back to the provision for a second chance (in the same holiday period) but should there be a repeat then the child will be excluded for the remainder of that particular school holiday period. Should the child wish to return in future then a meeting will be held with parents / carers to realign the expectations and ensure these can be met*

    • After School Provision - if a child reaches stage 4 twice in one term ( half term) then the child will be temporarily excluded for one session from the block. Upon return if there is a repeat of any behavioral issue then the child will be excluded for the remainder of the term for that particular after school club*

  • Stage 4 escalation - serious incidents, such as violent behaviour, will be reported to the parent on collection. 

  • Children who repeatedly reach stage 4 on the behaviour system are likely to be excluded from the club temporarily or permanently.

*Fees - If a child is sent home from Holiday Camp then a refund WILL NOT be given for that particular day. Refunds WILL be given for subsequent booked day(s) in the same holiday period. Children that are temporarily excluded from a single session of an After School Clubs will receive a session in credit. Refunds or part-refunds will be issued for any cancellations with 48 hours notice for Holiday Camps as per our cancellation policy. 


We take bullying very seriously. Bullying involves the persistent physical or verbal abuse of another child or children. It is characterised by intent to hurt, often planned, and accompanied by an awareness of the impact of the bullying behaviour.

If a child bullies another child or children:

  1. We show the children who have been bullied that we are able to listen to their concerns and act upon them;

  2. We intervene to stop the child who is bullying from harming the other child or children;

  3. We explain to the child doing the bullying why her/his behaviour is not acceptable;

  4. We give reassurance to the child or children who have been bullied;

  5. We help the child who has done the bullying to recognise the impact of their actions;

  6. We make sure that children who bully receive positive feedback for considerate behaviour and are given opportunities to practise and reflect on considerate behaviour;

  7. We do not label children who bully as ‘bullies’;

  8. We recognise that children who bully may be experiencing bullying themselves, or be subject to abuse or other circumstance causing them to express their anger in negative ways towards others;

  9. We recognise that children who bully are often unable to empathise with others and for this reason we do not insist that they say sorry unless it is clear that they feel genuine remorse for what they have done. Empty apologies are just as hurtful to the bullied child as the original behaviour;

  10. We discuss what has happened with the parents of the child who did the bullying and work out with them a plan for handling the child’s behaviour; and

  11. We share what has happened with the parents of the child who has been bullied, explaining that the child who did the bullying is being helped to adopt more acceptable ways of behaving.

Parent / carer’s responsibilities

  1. To be aware of the rules and expectations of the club.

  2. To share information with staff on your child’s development, health and wellbeing.

  3. To let us know if someone else is collecting your child and give them a password.

  4. To collect your child on time – if you are going to be unavoidably late then please contact the club to let them know

  5. To direct any worries, concerns or complaints to the club’s coordinator/deputy, arranging a meeting if required

  6. To make your children aware of what is acceptable behaviour.

  7. To encourage independence and self-discipline.

  8. To show interest in what their children do.

  9. To foster good relations with the club.

  10. To support the club in the implication of this policy.

Please refrain from:

  1. Shouting at, smacking or physically punishing your child, or any other children, whilst in the club.

  2. Using inappropriate language or displaying aggressive or threatening behaviour towards the staff, children or other parents/carers either in person, or on the phone, text message, email or in writing.

  3. Collecting your child after the consumption of alcohol, medication or other substances that have affected your judgement or responses.

  4. Discussing sensitive issues within hearing distance of your child, or other children.

  5. Taking photos or video recordings of children, other than your own.

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